Friday, January 30, 2009

It has been said about Nicaragua that "if you come for a day you’ll never return but if you stay for a month you’ll never leave.”

This was a beach shack...eclectic...perfect for a day in the sun.

A lover of cats opened a refuge for thus said animal...there were 132 of them.

My daughter and daughter-in-law traveled to Nicaragua this past summer to take a vacation. "Why Nicaragua" was the main question posed to them about their choice...a choice into a different world far from the streets of Seattle. It was more a journey than a that changes world views. So I post these pictures that Sarah took to give us a glimpse of what they experienced and to give us a chance of being grateful...thanks Sarah for sharing them.


Unknown said...

Nicaragua is a magical place. I have visited twice in the past 6 years. Once for language school in Granada and again in Rivas to build Habitat Houses. I hope to go again soon with a group of students from Salem.

Marilyn said...

Have the same hopes of visiting the area. We have relatives that live down there begging us to join them. Thanks for viewing the blog.